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I Know What You Did This Spring Break

If you're like me, you did nothing during your break. And you enjoyed every second of the nothingness. Of course, I'm sure I'll see plenty of pictures from the beach on Facebook for those lucky enough to get away. Good for you. Wait, even my wife went to San Francisco while I sat home. Whatever.

More importantly, I would do anything to avoid going back to school, but I have to no matter what. That's why I am just avoiding my homework instead. Do I actually have something to talk about? Of course not. But that's the beauty of Dribbling Ink: it never has a purpose (yeah, yeah, I know: I keep trying to give it one and it keeps failing), but it doesn't have to.

Here are a few quick links that I found while wasting time.

Butler's Too Big, Yo:
Leave it up to a mid-major college like Butler to predict its magical run to the Final Four in verse. Apparently, a few players recorded a rap during Spring Break right before the NCAA Tournament started. The best verse is Gordon Hayward's part around the 1:50 mark. That dude has lyrical talent.

Ryan Mallett is Riding Dirty:
AYoutube user named LSUfreek posted a video of Ryan Mallett on some sort of weird scooter with "Ridin' Dirty" playing in the background. At least this way it doesn't seem very likely he will get a DUI or slice off part of his toe at a nightclub.

Davidson's "I Love College" Remix featuring Stephen Curry:
It's good to know that future NBA stars are real people. At least, that seems to be the case with Stephen Curry. In this video from college, he is rapping with his college friends. I like the Butler rap better, though. It's more original and cheesy.

Moving on...(I thought for about five seconds, couldn't find a transition, and decided to give up)

Kasa and I also decided to rearrange the apartment, mostly the living room and the bedroom, to help match the new season. The pictures are supposed to be from the same angle, though it's obviously impossible to replicate the exact angle by hand. Anyway, the picture on the left will be the most recent. Granted, there was a middle stage between these pictures, but I guess we never took pictures of that stage. The pictures on the right are from when we were moving into the apartment.

Kasa's section of the living room: As will become more evident, we've basically rearranged every piece of furniture we own. We also upgraded tables and electronics and added two bookshelves (one which is pictured). The new setup is much better. Ignore Kasa; I didn't want to ask her to move.

The Man Cave: Okay, this is the same corner; I just didn't do so well matching angles here. This is my side of the living room--the man side. There's the other bookshelf, the table and recliner switched sides, and our new TV is barely visible in the left side of the photo (more on that later). Much like with Kasa, I was too lazy to turn off the lamp.

The Man Cave II: Let's see: Would I rather stare at a curio cabinet or a flatscreen TV while sitting in my recliner? Personally, I think the table and cabinet work much better on Kasa's side of the room. However, don't get me wrong, I love the wedding souvenirs in the cabinet.

The bookshelf: I feel like this is some kind of game. Who can find the golden needle in the bookshelf? One of these is not like the other. Anyway...the biggest change is more junk and the addition of the digital antenna--my lifeline to local news, which I couldn't live without.

Now that I've wasted almost every second of the Saturday at the tail end of Spring Break, I need to get started on my homework. Good luck during the last part of the semester. Summer will be here soon enough.

Also, like I say every week, I will get back on track with the schedule for Dribbling Ink--I promise.


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