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We Got that Wood Right Here!

(Caption: Arkansas pwns LSU. This is the best caption. Ever. And it defeats the entire purpose of this blog.)

Sports, literature, Arkansas. These are the supposed topics of this blog. I've got the sports covered; however, I'm slacking in my literature and Arkansas material. (I have fiction to post, but I still get nervous about posting my creative writing). I guess you could consider the Conversations as concerning Arkansas since everyone I've interviewed is from the Natural State (minus the imaginary conversations).

Still, seeing as Dribbling Ink is the most followed blog concerning Arkansas (or at least pretending to be) on Networked Blogs, I feel I should write a blog about Arkansas -- or at least make an attempt to. Yeah, I am kind of a big deal in Arkansas, moving in on Scottie Pippen, Corliss Williamson, and Bill Clinton territory.

Note: I started this blog on's now early Friday morning. Needless to say the flow is gone, but the links are still relevant (I think). Anyway, this is the perfect spot to say a few things. First, I don't want this blog to be full a self-promoting, annoying personal rant, which it flirts with becoming at times. Second, I know I spend more time saying what I am going to do rather than doing it. That all changes today. Third, thank you for reading.

As part of a way to focus on Arkansas, don't forget about Ashton Reely's blog  (, Meggie Hodge's clothing apparel business, or Kathryn Richey's photography business. Also, check out Jordan Jackson-Gross's blog ( work together -- she's appeared numerous times in this blog as "co-worker," I think. Anyway, reading her blog will be well worth your time.

Time-warp: Back to the original blog...

Apparently the KFC buffet originated in Paragould, Arkansas, and I have proof. Of course, that is if you believe the Paragould Daily Press is a credible source. Which it is...I mean, no doubt. It isn't called the Daily Mess for nothing (double negative burn) -- it offers so much relevant information that it's hard to keep it all clear in your head. I kid the PDP. I endured enjoyed my four years there as a sports writer.

I'll be quiet and give you the link already:

I also wrote a blog during my first graduate semester about the South, specifically Northeast Arkansas. It didn't turn out exactly as I planned: I overgeneralized without focusing on Northeast Arkansas as much as I had planned. As anything I do for school, it was an exercise in mediocrity.

If you want to torture yourself, here's where to go:

Oh, here's a link for the title, if you need some context:

Like most of my blogs, this isn't going anywhere. However, like most of my blogs (I say this often, eh?), I hope this blog will serve as a reminder and as inspiration for me to write more about Arkansas. Who knows, maybe I will try to incorporate some of the Southern Identity blog into this blog. I love Arkansas, which isn't a sentiment many fellow Arkansans I know seem to share; therefore, outside of writing about Arkansas sports, I hope to write more about the Natural State and its influence on my writing (vague and nonbinding, just how I like it).

If you, dear reader, have any suggestions or comments about Arkansas -- because I know the majority of my readers are from or live in Arkansas -- I'd love to hear from you. I will make this plea until someone actually leaves a useful comment. Dang non-participators.


Jordan said…
I love good ole Arkansas, too...I kind of feel bad about calling it the buttcrack of America in my last status update on fb. Thanks for giving me a name!

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